"I am trying to check my habits of seeing, to counter them for the sake of greater freshness. I am trying to be unfamiliar with what I'm doing." - John Cage

Thursday, February 16, 2023

2023 Workshop Series: Take action now on Literary Submissions and Publication begins 2/28/23

I offer this workshop series the beginning of each new year to refresh and revive our submission goals and process. If you took this workshop last year, all the more reason to take it again and pick up right where you left off. If you haven't yet taken it, get started now! We will share the latest news in the world of publishing in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Reassess your goals or set publishing goals for the first time in your writing life. Learn new tips for editing, researching, tracking submissions, publications. Strengthen your professional presence as a writer. Discover conferences and residencies and workshops that will feed your creativity.

  • Tuesday nights February 28th, March 14th and March 28th on Zoom 6-8 pm

  • Optional community work sessions in person only on Tuesday nights March 7th and March 21st

In a supportive community of writers, discuss tips and trends for submitting your work out into the world. Learn where to research resources for finding the best venue for a writing project and how to prepare a manuscript. Bring your specific questions to the workshops. In our optional work sessions, you can research, revise, edit, and prepare manuscripts for submission. If you are ready, push the SUBMIT button!  
$220 for the workshop series including a editorial review of a ten page manuscript ($75 value). 
The workshop series will include the latest info:
  • where to find the resources you need to get published in all genres
  • guidance from an editor
  • discussion of your specific questions
  • detailed notes for each workshop
  • the power of joining a community of writers 
  • ten page manuscript review included

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