"I am trying to check my habits of seeing, to counter them for the sake of greater freshness. I am trying to be unfamiliar with what I'm doing." - John Cage

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Submit? Publish? Blog? Find a private writing retreat?


Dear Writers,
Many of you have been requesting a workshop on these topics. Here's the scoop on a new series I'm offering Wednesday evenings starting next week:

Virtual! Workshop Series: Literary Submissions and Publication Wednesday nights 2/23 and 3/2 and 3/9

6-8 pm on Zoom

I offer this workshop series at the beginning of each new year to refresh and revive our submission goals and process. We will share the latest news in the world of publishing in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Reassess your goals or set publishing goals for the first time in your writing life. Learn new tips for editing, researching, tracking submissions, publications. Strengthen your professional presence as a writer. Discover conferences and residencies and workshops that will feed your creativity, as well as scholarship and grant opportunities to help finances. Build an multi-planked platform as a writer.
In a supportive community of writers, discuss tips and trends for submitting your work out into the world. Learn where to research resources for finding the best venue for a writing project and how to prepare a manuscript. Bring your specific questions to the workshops. If you are ready, push the SUBMIT button! 

$45 each or all 3 for $120

The workshop series will include the latest info:
  • where to find the resources you need to get published in all genres
  •  guidance from an editor
  • discussion of your specific questions
  • detailed notes for each workshop
  •  the power of joining a community of writers
  • tips on how to develop an engaging blog
2/23 Wednesday 6-8 pm Workshop 
Literary magazine submissions, chapbooks, and contests for all genres
3/2 Wednesday 6-8 pm Workshop
Author Platform  
Writer residencies, conferences, and workshop opportunities for all genres  
3/9 Wednesday 6-8 pm Workshop
Blogging - find your blog's purpose, create juicy content, engage readers

Call or email me with questions and to sign up.