"I am trying to check my habits of seeing, to counter them for the sake of greater freshness. I am trying to be unfamiliar with what I'm doing." - John Cage

Friday, August 31, 2018

New workshop series starts 9/10! Monday Night Creative Writing Workshop

9/10 - 10/15:  Monday Night Creative Writing Workshop 

Starting up again this fall! A fun and generative workshop for artists, beginners, and experienced writers. Do you wish you wrote more? Want to feel a sense of community when you write? Want to start a book or finish a book! This series specifically supports Nanowrimo participants! Craft, technique, and prompts for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. A kick in the butt for your writing life! Connect with a community and improve your writing practice. Tea and chocolate provided. 6 week series Mondays from 6:00 to 8 pm. $150. Downtown Truckee. 

I decided to take a writing class by Karen Terrey through Tangled Roots Writing as a last attempt to gain the upper hand over Writer's Block. And to my surprise, she gave me more gun powder than I could have ever expected. Through her class, I was able to write some of my favorite scenes for a trilogy I'm writing and since taking her class, I'm back on a normal writing schedule. I'm very thankful for Kat and her dedication to writing. - Courtney

Thank you so much for the wonderful writing experiences.  I came home Monday night and told my husband how much I absolutely love and value your classes, your prompts, your insight and how taking your classes has really helped me in trying to move my writing beyond the hobby level. - Liz

The Monday Night Writing classes are fabulous. - Clare